The 3 Things Successful People Do Every Day

Drink brandy?  Sorry. Chocolate sundaes at lunch?  Not on the list. Call Mom once a day? Would have to agree, but it's not on this list.

The three things that successful people do every day, according to Mel Robbins’ article at, is: meditate, create a morning routine and focus on their strengths.

Let’s thank Robbins for distilling Tim Ferriss’ 673-page tomb (“Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines and Habits of Billionaires, Icons and World-Class Performers”). Said Ferriss, at “For the last two years, I’ve interviewed nearly two hundred world-class performers for my podcast . . . . The guests range from super celebs (Jamie Foxx, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.) and athletes (icons of powerlifting, gymnastics, surfing, etc.) to legendary Special Operations commanders and black-market biochemists.” Ferriss’ major thesis: some people are more successful than others because of the habits they develop – so he decided to find out precisely what those habits are.

Here are three, based on Robbins’ distillation:

Meditate. Said Robbins: “More than 80 percent of the people Tim interviewed have a meditation ritual. And among those who don’t, most have a practice similar to meditation, such as listening to the same song or artist on repeat.” Robbins quotes from Ferriss’ book, saying that “meditation sets you up for success, because ‘by practicing focus when it doesn’t matter, you can better focus when it does matter’.” Based on his interviews, he found that men tend to like Transcendental meditation, whereas women prefer Vipassana meditation.

Create a Morning Routine. Robbins highlights Ferriss’ memorable line: “The first 60-to-90 minutes of the day handicap the next 12 hours.” Robbins expands on the notion: “Instead of putting out fires from the moment you wake up, you have the time to start your day with a positive mindset and gear up for making the most of the day.”

Focus on Your Strengths. This “habit” is more of a mindset, says Robbins, adding “sometimes we make the mistake of thinking that the most successful people got that way because they are somehow less flawed.” Adds Robbins: “. . . according to [Ferriss], the most successful among us are ‘walking flaws who have maximized one or two strengths’.”

